Your individual requirements will be discussed in depth and a quote provided, but when you’re looking for a new website, we find that it’s reassuring to offer a rough guide to pricing. So we offer 3 simple start up plans, and if suitable we will agree a fixed price for your website build, to allow you peace of mind where smaller budgets are a necessity.

Standard plan – from £500

New domain setup, or transfer of existing domain
1 month WordPress hosting (thereafter on an annual renewal plan)
WordPress fully responsive website design including first 10 pages
Contact form and location info
2 email accounts
Google-friendly content, Google analytics setup
Search engine optimisation and website submission
Social media links
SSL Certificate

Premium plan – from £1000

All of the above plus:
10 further pages
Stock photos – high quality stock images
Animated banners with photographs/text
5 additional email accounts
Embedded videos

Pro plan – from £1500

All of the above plus:
15 further pages
‘Member only’ areas
Searchable index
Social media feeds
Interactive map showing global locations
Simple online payments
Mailchimp Sign up forms
